
Want to contribute to birb? This document should help you get started!

How to contribute?

There are many ways you can contribute:

  • Open issues on the repo to report bugs or suggest features
  • Help fellow developers in our discord server
  • Help out with our docs
  • Help out with the language directly by opening PRs

How do I get started

  • Fork
  • Clone the fork that you made{username}/BirbLang, be sure to clone the master branch
  • Navigate to the cloned directory and open it in your IDE of choice.
  • Run pub get to get all dependencies.
    • To work on the docs, open up the docs/ directory and see the docs section below
    • For working on the language itself or core libraries, read through the (walkthrough)[#walkthrough]
  • To try out your changes, run the following from the root of the birb project:
$ dart lib/birb.dart
  • Once you are confident with your changes, make sure you documented everything that is needed and that it follows our style guide.

Our style guide is a work in progress, for now please use dartfmt.

If you think your PR should be exempt from any of the below, let Calamity210#7999 know on discord.
  • All PRs must have added tests to the examples/ folder.
  • All PRs must have documented any relevant code within the docs/folder.
You can generate an executable by running
$ dart2native lib/Birb.dart
  • When ready, open and pull request and request a review from any contributor.

Working on the docs

Create a new document

To create a new document, add it within the relevant subdirectory within docs/. At the top of the file, type:

id: some id // prefer lowercase
title: Some Title // Capitalize first letter

Open sidebars.js and add its id in its respective place.

To test your changes, run:

$ yarn install
$ yarn start

Then browse to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. When you are confident with your changes, open a pull request and request a contributor to review it.

Edit an older document

Find the doc that you want to edit in the docs/ directory and make your changes.

To test your changes, run:

$ yarn install
$ yarn start

Then browse to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. When you are confident with your changes, open a pull request and request a contributor to review it.

We look forward to your contribution!

Last updated on by Aayan